Today Date is 4 December if u all do not know what special event is... y don't u try take a look at the picture beside my blog..
Today Is My First Year Anniversary With My Girl2
today i don't go out because she is quite busy taking care of nani... so i try to take on another day... maybe monday or wednesday
so to my dearest girl2 I LOVE YOU VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Today Is 4 December
Posted by Birdy at 12:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Today main event is...
I am sorry that long time i never post...Busy...-.-"
K i am gonna talk about this afternoon i wake up around 11 i don't know why...den i watch this mtv...the song is face drop by sean kingston...the animation is really cute...but the song is nice it's about those outside rice girl treating normal boy as in (can't effort to get expensive stuff)
like a dog...haish good thing that sean kingston make this song...u should hear it...btw the animation u must see it really cute...
Posted by Birdy at 3:15 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 22, 2009
My birthday Outing with gerl2
Let's Started with 20 June...
Its My birthday and i don celebrate my birthday because i quite ignore my birthday just like nothing happen i am not happy eager to get birthday gift and many more...
-_-" sorry i am the person with no emotional
we first go meet gerl2 and after we meet then we go orchard and walk there go heeren and see my crew friends predicx dance the singapore champ...
video will be shown below???
then after that we go eat at MacDonal and after we eat then we...
go back and went to sentosa quite LIKE SHIT because there's many matrep..
we go there we saw all my friends there and then we relax there and we see many of the band and celebrity oof plain sunset and sheik haikal and many more...
then we go to pasir ris and pitch tent over there and then we sleep...
tiring there...
21 June we went back to sent the tent at gerl2 cousin house..then we go eat breakfast and then we relax at MacDonal and Charge hp there
hehehe...Steal company Current
after that we go to heeren again for the reasult and the performance from japan...
later then we go to chalet of gerl2 friends..i quite bad mood going there because of many matrep...
fucking bad mood...
sorry gerl2 for bad mood going teesha chalet...
then i go home sleep at the mrt and reach home then bath and talk gerl2 for awhile then sleep..
Posted by Birdy at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
lazy to update hehe sorry
Sorry I do not update the blog…
I am quite
L-A-Z-Y and N-O_T-I-M-E
Haha :-D
Let’s start wit 5 June and the 6 June…I and gerl2 go out camping at pasir ris park
But we go out Tampinese just strolling there and thinking what to buy…
Hehe :-D
Then after that we go eat at Swensen…gerl2 eat so many…
She so hungry… btw after we eat, we go for another strolling and look for something to buy for tomorrow…
Then we go to bell house to take the tent and then we she not at home…
-_-“ Great
gerl2 try to call bell and ask her… and we can’t reach to her…then we try call her boyfriend then he said that she with him…then we take the tent and go to pasir ris park…
after that we go and pitch the tent and we sleep…
hahaha :-D
quite a tiring day…
tomorrow 6 June we go out shopping with gerl2… at tampinese mall and then we watch the movie name night at the museum 2 it’s really funny and I can’t take it the comedy..
u all must watch
haha :-D
that all..
7 June
To Crik
He just started working with me…so have fun working us :-D
Posted by Birdy at 11:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Two Days Outing With Gerl2
Last two days' Outing Was The Best outing that i have because we get to take picture everywhere and sit untill night...and somemore we meet early in the morning because gerl2 got no ckul...huhu :-p
and i ask gerl2 to go first before me...i scared she might be late again...and she go out but i came very late i am sorry gerl2...
so we stayed inside the vivo city and walked about everywhere and sit's fun because nobody disturb us at all...
and then we go to esplanade and take picture and then we take picture again and again..hehe
Then We sit at the esplanade untill 8.30..after that my mother-in-law call gerl2 and ask her where is she...
Monday 11 may picture

Posted by Birdy at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 8, 2009
Yesterday outing with gerl2
Hmm... Where do i start..
Oh otey here it goes...yesterday i was sleeping and wake up at 8 o'clock and started to watch telvision...
like nothing to do like after that i went to my mother bedroom and take a nap and then gerl2 mesg me that she finish schooling already...and she told me that she want to come here...
I was shock...
i asked why...
i thought she must go to aliah house...
and she said i sick...
so i started to think...then i said otey
then i go and clean my house and send my small sister and go market
buy something for my mother then i go home and mesg gerl2 and ask her where was she...
she reply back she reach boon lay already...
that was fast...i rush back home and then go out again and take gerl2
and then we walk everywhere of jurong point and then we go library and let my gerl2 study there...
then after that we go lepakz and then night 9 o'clock we go home and i don noe if gerl2 having a great time with bell...
Posted by Birdy at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday On The 12 April Excitment
Let's Start With Early morning...I woke up late for my baby b'dae..!!
it suppose i need to wake up at 6 o'clock in the morning but i wake up at 7 o'clock..
then i quickly go and bathe there...then i pack my bag..and went off
so i take the bus to go bedok and take i tired and i slept inside the MRT...
And i sleep untill i reach at jurong east...there's this three guy went insde the MRT and make nosie WTF...Early morning heck care i turn up the volume of my MP3 into maximum...
after that i go there's this five hip-hoppers...they looking at me like they know me..
So i just ignore them maybe they just want to pick a fight With me...
when the time i reach at boon lay...i get out from the MRT it was so sudden the guy walk in front of me and Said
Unknown Guy:"R u Sadli...People Call u Lil's Crow..."
Bird:"Yah? How u noe miie... ???"
Unknown Guy:"Because ur well known at this westside area...ur a Crip-Walker Rite?"
Bird:"Yah? u sure abt this man.."
Unknown Guy:"Yah! I'm Sure..."
Bird:"Ouh Okay Man Tnks..nice to knowing u"
So i walk off...
So i Quickly walk home change and bath and do some hairstyling....
and then walk off from my house...and then we having fun until nite we go orchard watch fast and furious....
then we take picture at esplande and look at the high buliding...
and then we go home...i hope baby enjoy for her b'dae....
Posted by Birdy at 12:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Yesterday Was A Very Tired And I Don't Bare To Walk About Animore
Hmm...How Am I Gonna Start.. ???
Ouh Yah! Yesterday I Got Dance Practice With My Crew T.I.C And It Was Very Tired...
And I don't Bare To Walk At All...Hmmm....
We Go On Learning The New Steps...For Any Of The New Upcoming Event...Dance and dance and dance untill we can't dance anymore...hahaha
Damm tired can't feel my leg at all...hmmm...
And we were all need to rest untill we were all ready to stand up...After the dancing finish i can still walk..
But we need to go this hall near the jurong point...we were all need to walk over there...and i was really can't walk anymore...but i take the risk because one for all...all for one..
After we reach there...i saw my school friends...i don know what there were doing over there...
But i don't care at all...As long as they did not disturb me den i don't disturb them..
Kinda stupid going was very sudden i go there...and it was do because it just the meeting...hmmmm...
I see that i got nothing to i head off to my crib..wasting my time to go there only...
Posted by Birdy at 12:12 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 6, 2009
Yesterday Working Was A Horrible Thing That I Never Do
Yesterday i was for work i started working at 8 am...
hahaha and i came late for work...what kind of staff is me...hahaha..
i came to work and change everyting all and wear my apron bandana and name tag....i clock in for my money to work...and start working...but yesteray i do kitchen not counter...
so i came and cook everthing and in one time at all...hahaha how good am i....hehehe
i work and work and work..untill 11 am then change to lunch...nothing much in the i wait in the afternoon...i cook everthing then after that i go eat and my other colleague came...
in my life i never see him happy like this before....usualy when he came...he look very down...
but yesterday he was people gave him something that make im happy everday...
he came and dress up everything and clock in his number and start working but when i finish eating i saw him happily going out....and so sudden he fell down at the kitchen..
i can't stop laughing at colloeague auntie say "this what you get when you happy non stop and jumping like a primary school kids"
after he fell down at the kitchen he saw something at the kitchen he ask me to look at it...
i saw many algae under the my cooking vat.....i take my broom and sweep away all the algae...
i wanted to throw away the algae that stuck at the broom...i swing and swing and swing the broom..still can't off the algae on the broom...what the hell...don expect to pick the algae with my bare hand.....ewww!
so i ask my manager to do it....hehehe...
i make excuse that i can't pick the thing up..because i got allergic hehehe...
i hope this algae thing never happen again at my cooking vat...
quite disgusting.....
still can't stop thinking about my friend fell down at the kitchen.....
Posted by Birdy at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
Random Post
scold by my mother
except mie
stupid rite...
-peace out-
~music is my life~
Posted by Birdy at 2:27 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 29, 2009
So Stress Of working Yesterday
Yesterday i work morning shift. And i Came late yesterday. Muahaha.
I came at 9.30 am. After that i go inside the office and change. Then i quickly go outside and count my money and serve every customer
then after i serve every the one of each customer i go inside kitchen and drink water. And at the mean time i talk to my best friend colleauge name Din, we talk and talk and talk untill lunch time.
I ready to change my lunch menu and then i go inside kitchen and help my aunties. Hehehe.
So i help untill 12 o'clock then i go outside again.
I work and work and work...untill i get fedup with every of each customer..
and by the way yesterday got taiwanese band came to singapore and came to imm...
joking only...i don like taiwanese band...
sorry for those who like taiwanese band...yesterday farenhient was here at imm..
I don care because i was very the stress and i go out and smoke...
then i angry with friends ainol...
he keep somking and do not want to take all the customer i was busy with something
and he still relaxing outside and smoke...
Posted by Birdy at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Yesterday I Just Started Dancing With T.I.C
Last two day I came to the F.G.I Practice…I call my Friend Crik Yesterday
I tell him that I want to join the T.I.C crew…I have a chit chat with him…
Until then I talk to bob…about joining with T.I.C group…then he says okay…
Yesterday I came down for T.I.C Practice…at taman jurong community club
We practice there until 6.30…then after that F.G.I group came down…we have a talk…
And Practice… until 9.00 I go home…
So from now on I will be practice with T.I.C from now on…
Today we will be having the meeting today at my hall…so I think people will be having conflict with other person…i think so… hope there no fighting at my hall…
So F.G.I…I will be Practice with the T.I.C okay
Whenever you all need me…I will be there for you…
I will still be the part member of F.G.I
We are all in the one family…
~Music Is My Life~
Lil’s Birdy
~Peace Out~
Posted by Birdy at 2:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Yesterday was a boring day

I still do something that makes me fun. I play game inside hp still got no mood of fun in me. So I go out and just walk around and around still no fun. So I go home and watch television still no mood of fun came out. Then I got nothing to do I play with fire. I take the tissue paper n the kitchen roll and I burn it. I thought I just want to burn using lighter
But I have and idea. I imagine that I am the one of x-men show name pyro. Hahaha. LOL. I use my spray can and lighter to burn the tissue paper and the kitchen roll. When it so sudden the flame became big I quickly put out the fire. How stupid am I.
So what I do I go sleep for a while and then I watch television.
Still boring.
So I call bee we chit the chat the chit chit. Until 1 o’clock then I go into deep sleep.
So that’s all It’s was very the boring you know that.
I can’t feel the fun yesterday…
Nobody make me fun yesterday so play with fire…
Like my parent never gave me love like that. Hahaha.
So Kids Don’t Try This At Home
Posted by Birdy at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
My story last two weeks
This is the update from last two weeks…sorry for not update it…
This is from 21 to 23 January
I been sick and stress and many more…I got my stupid sickness since I was a kid …
Its was terrible I don feel like standing up…and I must do all the home chore went I feeling better…I don know what disease am I getting on…this stupid disease I get went I was a baby… and I recovered then I get on went I was primary 5…then I got this year…
What disease am I encountered with its quite terrible…
This is 30 January
I been bad mood since morning and I don know why…
I do home chore went I wake up at 11 o clock…then my brother wake up…
And ask me to do it again…I scold him and said
“I wake up early morning and do home chore and u just sleeping at home do nothing…
Wake up eat then bath and relaxing shake your leg everyday…”
I do everything at home I take my small sister and brother…and what I don deserve anything…and then princess bee said that she coming to my dance practice
So I said yes…I wait for her and about 2 hour…and my bad mood come again…
So angry…I call her and she pick up she crying I don know what I do wrong…
And we talk…(blah blah blah)
And I cried like fucking hell…why don people deserve to treat me with respect…
I hate to be like this…
Bee I am Sorry What I have done to you okay
I don deserve to scold u like that…
This is last two day…
I been just came back from work…and I was waiting for bee…she said that she want to go Chinese garden so I go with her…I wait for her…and wait…and wait…
So sudden I just want to message her she came…hahaha
So she said she tired and don want to go Chinese garden…so we go around imm
We walk around and around and around…until 9 o clock…then got this girl message me and said
“Is this sadli…nie myra kwn nyer lil missily…kenal tak”?
then we message each other until then she go over limit and wanted to psycho…
me to break with my princess bee…what the fuck is this girl doing to me…
I lied to her and said I and my bee had been 1 year already…And (blah blah blah) and now I stop talking to her already…what the hell?
Posted by Birdy at 1:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Yesterday fun and bad day
Yesterday I had fun day of my life but early afternoon is my bad day… Because of my ITE
I don want to talk about it...stupid school…let’s talk about my fun yesterday…I get to play takraw with my kompang friends hahahaha…its was very fun…
We played until 10 o clock… what the hell khairul came down to…I don’t know if he still
Thinking about bella…quite pity about bella…khairul should not treat her like that??
He came play with us like nothing happen…as if like he got no big situation…
By the way I think that he forget bella already… (Bella if you read this…I am sorry about giving you to khairul…please accept the forgiveness about me…
Bella you just don’t think about him anymore…there are more guy outside waiting for you…so you just wait…one day you will get a nice guy…that you like him most then khairul??)
---Sorry Bella For Giving you Khairul---
Posted by Birdy at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I hate When Choosing courses
Why now a days schooling must see what is the we all pass or fail…
Its like quite I like been choosing the course like about 3 time and I did not get the stupid course…quite irritated about this ITE thing…why must see on our subject. Why don’t they just pick people…like me..Grrr…. fucking school and fucking ITE don’t bother on taking people that who wan to learn…so fucking stress..Haish!Now I must wait until I get the course on the day that I must wait very long…stupid shit!
Posted by Birdy at 11:39 PM 0 comments
My prom nite tat las year ago
My Graduation nite was totally Rocks...I lyke.....don no wat to say to my teachers wat they had done to us...
they make us happy,fun,taking care of us n pay all the event
tat make us happy....
tiz teacher i will nvr forget them when i grow....up..
so from now on they said tat we will live our own to carry on our future school....tat the last dae i will see them on the school...
all my fren been crying and i don..
bcoz i don show my emotional side to them...hehehe...?
I Will Never Forget Tiz Graduation Nite
Posted by Birdy at 10:58 PM 0 comments