I still do something that makes me fun. I play game inside hp still got no mood of fun in me. So I go out and just walk around and around still no fun. So I go home and watch television still no mood of fun came out. Then I got nothing to do I play with fire. I take the tissue paper n the kitchen roll and I burn it. I thought I just want to burn using lighter
But I have and idea. I imagine that I am the one of x-men show name pyro. Hahaha. LOL. I use my spray can and lighter to burn the tissue paper and the kitchen roll. When it so sudden the flame became big I quickly put out the fire. How stupid am I.
So what I do I go sleep for a while and then I watch television.
Still boring.
So I call bee we chit the chat the chit chit. Until 1 o’clock then I go into deep sleep.
So that’s all It’s was very the boring you know that.
I can’t feel the fun yesterday…
Nobody make me fun yesterday so play with fire…
Like my parent never gave me love like that. Hahaha.
So Kids Don’t Try This At Home